Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Change the Date and Timezone in Centos

Log into your server then retrieve the current date and timezone by typing in


all timezone information is stored at /usr/share/zoneinfo you can browse to this by typing

cd /usr/share/zoneinfo

you should see a list of all the available timezones including folders for countries which have multiple time zones eg. America

so to change the time zone just enter the following

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime

If you then want to manually set the time to 30/03/2008 09:57, the format to enter the date is 'mmddhhmmyyyy'

The following command will update your hardware clock
hwclock --systohc

And now when you type in 'date' you should see an up to date clock

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